Thursday, October 21, 2010

hw 7d

PRECIS: Not all farmers that work in America are exploited and under-payed. They do not all use hormones for their meat and genetically altered seeds for feeding purposes. Not all fast food chains deprive the public of knowledge about what the consumers are actually consuming. Some are successful smaller family owned companies that put love and greater quality into their products. (some are even organic!)

"Lasater says that most americans have forgotten what real beef tastes like. Argentine beef is considered a gourmet item, served at expensive resturants and almost all of the cattle in Argentina are grass-fed. "
"There's take-out but no drive-through, and the food is only slightly more expensive than the half-empty Wendy's across the street. One day I met a customer at Conway's who has regularly been having lunch there for fifty years."
"The Snyders have declined countless offers to sell their chain, refuse to franchise it, and have succeeded by rejecting just about everything the rest of the fast food industry has done."

MY THOUGHTS: I think that it is unbelieveable that these major billion dollar fast food companies cannot spend a small quantity of their money to actually do this the right way. They are the leading figures in society, the dominant discourse. We look to them to give us a new great product, the hottest new trend or the best filling meal for five bucks.They choose to spend all of this money to genetically alter nature. Despite the risks taken by their ill payed illegal immigrant workers, the animals that they torture for whatever life they have genetically mutated, making the animals grow faster and larger, or they're "$" signs, the consumers. They have all of the power yet they do not care. Billionaire idiots, I wonder do they even eat this stuff?

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