Monday, April 4, 2011

HW 42 - Pregnancy & birth culminating project

The importance of babies beyond the fact that they help keep the human population alive.

When you walk down the street and you see a baby usually you smile at them. The little dribble of salvia on their chin, the complete innocence and trust in a world they know nothing about. You look at them and feel the warm connection; you wish you could go back to those “good ole days” even though you can’t remember them.

Ryan is my baby cousin who lived with us due to family issues when he was a week old. He stayed with us for a month. I remember how tiny he was, he was so soft and frail like porcelain. It took my entire family to get it together to help take care of the new addition. But the instant love we felt was more than enough motivation.

Ryan showed us all that despite the circumstance or whatever life throws our way we as adults are meant to care and love things, he showed us that it is important for people to not be selfish. His innocence and dependence on me made me feel a sense of worthiness and pride. I could go on for days about all the cute things he has done. I remember his first words and his first christmas, now he can walk and run and he believes he's saying something but it's only his baby talk.

Although I wasn't around to experience his birth or around his mother much throughout her pregnancy I thought that watching him grow and learn is very similar to him being in the womb. I was amazed at how much he has changed and how big he has gotten just as im sure his mother did too.


  1. I love how thought about how the love of a baby could you work harder in life to help take care of it. And as a 17 th year old to want to do that shows how you care about others. I think that would cool if you watch how he is taught and how you will teach you kids.

  2. Luz, I enjoyed reading your post. The way that you spoke about how us as adults must care for those in need was very significant. No matter if the child wasn't your brother, the way you guys still took care of him showed me that it does take a village to raise a baby and you guys taking him in to your life to help raise him is very crucial and I feel that Ryan learned while being surrounded with family. I also enjoyed your post because I can relate to it because I was the baby who would always be in other peoples homes while my mom worked and I learned a lot about my family because I was surrounded by many people at one time. Overall great post and project.

  3. Luz: The main point of your post was that baby’s are more significant to our lives then we think they are. They help people understand that the important thing in life is not be selfish and babies help show us that. I valued the pictures you posted, I did because it helped readers get a better understand of what you were talking about. They did because it would help the readers get a personal connection to the post. This project matters to me because people fail to see how important babies are. This post would help remind people why they are extremely significant.
    Your post was good but I believe it could have been even better. To make it better would maybe to get other people’s point of view about your topic. By doing this readers get better understand your topic.
